Jinette Comeau’s Program of Research
Informed by social stress theory and situated within a life course perspective, my program of research uses innovative quantitative methods to investigate 1) inequalities in emotional and behavioural development among children exposed to social and economic adversities; 2) the effects of early life environments on mental health outcomes in adulthood; and 3) the reproduction of economic and mental health inequalities across generations. A primary goal of my program of research is to generate evidence to inform policy and program development to reduce inequalities in children’s mental health at a population level.
2024-2026 “The Intergenerational Reproduction of Mental Health Inequalities: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage”. Principal Investigator: Jinette Comeau. Co-Investigators: Tracy Smith-Carrier, Kelly K. Anderson, Anne Fuller. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Grant: $79,264.
2023-2024 “Intergenerational Persistence of Mental Health Disparities Related to Poverty: Breaking the Cycle of Disadvantage”. Principal Investigator: Jinette Comeau. King’s University College Research Excellence Scholar Grant: $10,000.
2023-2024 “Parental Employment Quality and Child Mental Health: Triangulating Evidence from General Population Surveys.” Principal Investigator: Faraz Vahid Shahidi. Co-Investigators: Anne Fuller, Katholiki Georgiades, Jinette Comeau, Arjumand Siddiqi, Gita Wahi, Andrew Pinto. Edwin S.H. Leong Centre for Healthy Children Catalyst Grant Competition: $72,005.
2022-2024 “Childhood Antecedents to Youth Mental Disorders: A Birth-Cohort Study Using Population-Based Health Administrative Data”. Principal Investigator: Kelly K. Anderson. Co-Investigators: Jordan Edwards, Jinette Comeau, Piotr Wilk. Children’s Health Research Institute Mental Health Grant Competition: $84,456.
2021-2023 “Intergenerational persistence of social assistance receipt: Pathways of risk and resilience”. Principal Investigator: Jinette Comeau; Co-Investigators: Andrea Willson, Kim Shuey, and Tracy Smith-Carrier. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Insight Development Grant: $49,952.
2020-2022 “Longitudinal effects of neighbourhood environmental factors on children’s health: Development of the Paediatric Healthy Living Index for Southwestern Ontario” Principal Investigator: Piotr Wilk; Co-Investigators: Jinette Comeau, Anna Gunz, Matthew Meyer; Collaborators: Michael Courey, Eric Lavigne, Brianna McKelvie, Ben Spycher, and Ana Vicedo-Cabrera. Children’s Health Research Institute, Scientist Innovation Grant: $113,940.
2020-2021 “Childhood food insecurity and healthcare utilization in Ontario: A proof-of-concept study using linked survey and health administrative data”. Principal Investigator: Kelly Anderson; Co-Investigators: Jinette Comeau, Kristin Clemens, and Salimah Shariff. Children’s Health Research Institute: $10,000.
2020-2021 “Mental health related emergency department use among children in Ontario: A linked population and health administrative data study” Principal Investigator: Jinette Comeau; Co-Investigators: Kelly Anderson and Piotr Wilk. Children’s Health Research Institute: $10,000.
2019-2020 “Housing crowding and children’s mental health: An investigation using the Ontario Child Health Study” King’s Strategic Research Opportunities Grant, King’s University College at Western University: $3,500
2018-2019 “Core housing need and children’s mental health: An investigation using the Ontario Child Health Study” King’s Strategic Research Opportunities Grant, King’s University College at Western University: $3,500